Help your loved one
on the autism
spectrum feel
to communicate ✦ to learn ✦ to participate ✦ to reach out ✦ to socialize ✦ to try something new ✦ to embrace others
The 5 Natural Laws of Autism
a free gift for you
Download this resource to learn the 5 things you must do right now to enable your child or adult to feel safe.
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Professional Certification
For educators, OTs, SLPs, play therapists, psychologists, or coaches seeking to integrate a complete neurodiversity-affirming understanding of the autistic brain, nervous system, psyche, and experience into your work:
✦ The Safe To Connect autism approach
✦ The ACT (Autism Crisis Turnaround) protocol for meltdowns, anxiety, and extreme/explosive behavior
✦ Taxi Driver Decisional Assistance for communication and social success
✦ The 5 Natural Laws of Autism
✦ The 3 Autism Neuro-States
✦ Parent Coaching for Professionals

Parent Support
Giving you the tools to prevent Neuro-Crashes (and the meltdowns, anxiety, and explosions they precipitate) and create real breakthroughs with your loved one(s) on the spectrum in a wide range of areas — in a way (using the Safe to Connect autism approach) that respects and honors their uniqueness, personality, interests, autonomy, nervous system, mental/emotional health, and brain.

Mental & Emotional Well-Being
for Everyone
In a world where so much is demanded of us, wouldn’t it be nice to find the calm in the storm… to be the calm in the storm? Whether you have a connection to autism of not, all of us are seeking more mental and emotional peace. Gain actionable approaches to promote the brain regulation necessary for improved resilience, more calmness and ease, and enhanced relationships with the people you care about.
We can’t be strong when we use our brains wrong.

It doesn’t have to be this way...
The whole world seeks to push our autistic loved ones to connect (participate, be social, follow instructions, speak, play, do homework, brush their teeth, make eye contact, converse, complete a task, etc.) when they don’t feel safe and are not in a neuro-state where they can do so.
Doing this…
There is another way...
If we create a real sense of safety first, we can unblock connection, communication, and self-regulation. If we truly value, are curious about, and thus understand the autistic experience, we can approach our loved ones from the inside rather than imposing our will from the outside.
If we build trust, we can radically strengthen the relationship…
and then all relationships.
It’s a neurodivergence-aligned approach comprised of 4 systems based on a true understanding of and respect for the autistic brain, nervous system, psyche, and experience.

Raun K. Kaufman
Author, lecturer, seminar leader, former CEO of an international autism training non-profit, and graduate of the Ivy League's Brown University with a degree in Biomedical Ethics, Raun has worked with families and educators for more than 25 years.
As a child, he was diagnosed with so-called "severe" (non-speaking) autism and recommended for lifelong institutionalization. A best-selling book and award-winning movie were made about his remarkable journey of overcoming his challenges.
Kate C. Wilde
Kate has spent more than 30 years working with children and adults on the autism spectrum and their families, as well as with therapists, educators, and schools. She is the author of three acclaimed books and a columnist for Exceptional Needs Today.
Kate has forever left her mark on the autism world by having, over the years, intensively trained and qualified a diverse stable of professionals who have gone on to help thousands worldwide.

Interested in working with Kate and Raun?
Click below to learn more about Individualized services and working one-on-one with Raun K. Kaufman or Kate C. Wilde.
learn more here ➛WORDS OF GRATITUDE...

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