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for those of you in crisis

Explore our live and self-paced courses to find the solution you've been looking for.

ACT (Autism Crisis Turnaround)

Live Rescue Course

If your loved one on the autism spectrum experiences meltdowns, high anxiety, or extreme/explosive behavior, this is the course you need to take. Whether it’s hitting or pinching, screaming or swearing, seeming miserable or saying that they are… it’s not your child/adult's fault. And it’s not autism’s fault, either.

There is a way out if we understand and address the real underlying causes. And that’s exactly what this in-depth, step-by-step, two-day course does.

Offered a few times throughout the year (with opportunities to view recordings of anything that you miss), this course comes with the Autism Crisis Lifeline instant mini-course, which you get immediate access to upon registering. It also comes with after-course implementation support.

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with lifetime access

The 3 Autism Neuro-States:

Unblocking Learning, Communication, and Connection

Instant access mini-course

If you have ever wondered why your loved one is sometimes responsive and sometimes not, where stims come from, why your child/adult seems to have a particular skill or understanding on one day but not on another, and when the best time is to engage, play with, or teach them, then join us for this vitally important mini-workshop.

Once you understand your loved one’s three neuro-states, the answer to these questions becomes clear.

We’ll show you how to adjust the way you interact with your loved one based on the neuro-state they’re in so that you can enhance your relationship with them, help shift them out of fight-or-flight survival mode, interact with them without upsetting them, reduce anxiety, and enable them to be open and receptive to the things that you and others are endeavoring to teach and show them.

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Making the Leap from Sounds to Words

Instant access mini-course

Do you love or work with someone on the autism spectrum who makes sounds but does not (reliably) use spoken words to communicate?

We will show you, step by step, how to ignite language lift-off – without pushing or pressuring. If you want help turning sounds into words and single words into two-word phrases, this is the mini-workshop for you.

Gain the tools to use your loved one’s interests to inspire language-based communication, enable them to surmount any frustration they may be experiencing, address echolalia (while honoring it), and remove hidden obstacles to speech.

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Defuse Inflammatory Statements, Desires, and Decisions with Your Highly Verbal Loved One

Instant access mini-course

If you are the parent of a teen, a tween, or an adult on the autism spectrum, and you struggle with various things that your loved one says when they assert something they think (“You’re stupid!”, “All teachers suck!”) or want (“I want to punch him in the face!”, “I’m going to break into that store!”), then this is the mini-workshop for you.

It will take you through a new and much more effective and productive approach to these issues and confrontations called Taxi Driver Decisional Assistance.

We’ll show you how to give your loved one a way to work through the social and other consequences of potential decisions using a conflict-free analogy and discussion style that gives them nothing to push against or rebel against.

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Autism Crisis Lifeline

Instant access mini-course

Get quick, first-step help with meltdowns, high anxiety, and extreme/explosive behaviors through a combination of recorded lectures, informational slides, and worksheets to fill out between the lectures.

Discover the 7 causes of meltdowns, anxiety, and near-meltdowns. Get the first step to eliminating Crisis Intensifiers. (You can’t put out the fire when there are dozens of sparks igniting it.)

Most important: Learn the 3 Lifeline Launchers to immediately lower the temperature. Note: This mini-course works best as a precursor to the ACT live rescue course, but it can also be taken on its own.

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Autism on Fire:

What to Do During Meltdowns and Explosions

Instant access mini-course

Do you (like a great many others) struggle with what to do during those very challenging times when your loved one on the spectrum is hitting (themselves or others), crying, screaming, swearing, or throwing/breaking things?

Whether your loved one is a surprisingly strong five-year-old or a 300-pound 25-year-old, this mini-workshop will help you feel more emotionally calm, confident, and in control, gain clarity about steps to take to keep you and others safe, enable your loved one to feel more safe and cared for during their most challenging moments, move toward de-escalation, and be the parent you most want to be during these types of situations.

Note: Although you are probably familiar with our signature ACT (Autism Crisis Turnaround) live rescue course, this mini-workshop is different. The ACT live rescue course is a comprehensive two-day course that walks you through the steps to preventing Neuro-Crashes and the meltdowns, anxiety, and extreme/explosive behavior they precipitate. This event is a ninety-minute mini-workshop that focuses on what to do during Neuro-Crashes, meltdowns, and explosions.).

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in-home service

If you’ve always wanted Raun or Kate “all to yourself,” with concentrated, customized, gold-standard help, this is your chance. This is a rare opportunity. Raun or Kate will hit your situation (and your child/adult’s situation) from all angles. The in-home service includes:

  • Thorough Debrief: A detailed discussion with you (before coming to your home) about your loved one on the autism spectrum, your program (if you are doing one), your family, your situation, your challenges, etc. This will be used to personalize the package so that it best suits you and your child/adult’s needs.
  • Direct Work with Your Loved One: 30 minutes of each day, will be spent working with your child/adult – demonstrating important concepts and techniques – while you observe. Afterward, there will be a Q&A where you (and anyone from your support team) can ask questions about the session, and each technique demonstrated will be explained.
  • Consultations: You can ask absolutely any questions about anything that you need help or guidance with regarding your loved one, their program, their behaviors, their eating, their sleeping, their skills, etc.
  • Feedback Sessions: Observation – followed by very helpful and constructive feedback – of sessions with your child/adult (can be you working with your child/adult or members of your support team, a family member, an older sibling, or a therapist).
  • Personal Focus Sessions: Issues you may be having with your own motivation level or emotional state will be addressed. Nothing else can really work without tackling this, as it affects everything you do with your loved one and the entire way that your child/adult responds to you.
  • Support Team Training: If you have a support team, time will be spent training them so that they are much more effective with your child/adult.
  • Training You To Train: If you have a support team, you will get help to be excellent at training them and giving feedback. This creates continuing improvement in your program and in the quality of work being done with your loved one.
  • Couples Support: Focused time will be spent with you and your partner helping to work through issues that may be getting in the way of your relationship, your parenting, or your child/adult’s program. (These are exceptionally useful!)


Together with you and Raun or Kate, a schedule will be constructed that will have the best balance of the options above – spanning six hours per day (if you’re working with Raun) or five hours per day (if you’re working with Kate) – with an additional hour lunch break midway through each day.

In-home services can range from two days to five.

book a free in-home service discussion session with Raun âž›
book a free in-home service discussion session with Kate âž›


Consultation Package

For those seeking in-depth, one-on-one consultative help with their loved one(s) or client(s) on the autism spectrum, this is the primary session package.
It can be applied to situations such as:

  • Setting up a program or growth-oriented course of action – with specific emphasis on Unleashing the Social Brain, which (along with the ACT protocol) comprises the centerpiece of Kate and Raun’s work.
  • Maintaining a program or growth-oriented course of action as above
  • Fostering language development
  • Developing conversation skills
  • Powerfully enhancing or repairing your relationship with your child/adult
  • Overcoming long-standing behavioral and other issues that your loved one struggles with
  • Enabling your child/adult to feel safe and thus be able to reach out and increase engagement
  • Teaching self-help skills that will serve your loved one now and in the future

You will get a personalized package of (50 minutes each) of undivided attention, focused time, and concrete help overcoming challenges, obstacles, and difficulties that you’re facing.

Also included:

  • Texting between sessions as questions or challenges come up
  • Free entry into Raun K. Kaufman and Kate C. Wilde’s ACT (Autism Crisis Turnaround) live rescue course (via Zoom), which focuses on how to implement the ACT protocol for meltdowns, anxiety, and extreme/explosive behaviors (regularly $495 per individual and $595 per couple)
  • Free access to the online go-at-your-own-pace Autism Crisis Lifeline instant mini-course, which provides some initial ACT protocol strategies
  • Free access to any live online mini-workshops that may be on offer during the time period of your package.

Support Package*

If you’re the parent of a teenager or young adult, you know that it can really make a difference for a young person to have someone to talk to who can listen non-judgmentally, give insightful yet totally non-confrontational help, and make the whole experience fun, enjoyable, and useful.

Raun brings almost 30 years of experience working directly with teens and knows how to reach them. If you have a teen or adult on the autism spectrum, Raun has been where they are! (That’s a reason so many teens on the spectrum respect him so much.) The experience Raun provides includes:

  • A place where they can express themselves fully and be listened to without judgment or criticism.
  • A venue to explore things (events, feelings, recurring thoughts, ongoing issues, shyness, anxiety) that are bothering them.
  • A chance to work through and problem-solve challenges that they are trying to figure out for themselves.
  • A rare opportunity to talk with someone who has been where they are and overcome what they may be struggling with.
  • A mentor that can be a model for how to hold difficult conversations, ask people to be different, show caring, stick up for yourself without being hostile, and handle it when things don’t go your way.
  • Taxi Driver Decisional Assistance: A unique approach to addressing potentially problematic thoughts, desires, and decisions that a teen might make (i.e. “I want to beat up my teacher,” “I’m going to tell that girl she’s sexy,” “I’m not listening to anything my parents say anymore.”) that enables a different way for them to think about these decisions without pushing, contradicting, threatening, scolding, or debating them. This approach enables them to think through the social and other consequences of potential decisions, extreme responses, magical thinking, belligerence, etc. using a conflict-free analogy and discussion style where Raun is their “taxi driver” just trying to help them take the best route to their desired destination – and alerting them to roadblocks and obstacles on various routes. This allows for much better decision-making while not giving them anything to push against or rebel against.

*This package can also be used for teen siblings of someone on the autism spectrum if you feel they could use some help.
Our packages start out with 30 minutes once a week for four weeks. It can then transition to a modified schedule.

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book a free in-home service discussion session with Kate âž›



Mastering Your Own Neuro-Crashes

We Can't Be Strong When We Use Our Brains Wrong

Live Interactive Course

Every Tuesday from 3:00PM to 5:00PM (eastern U.S. time) for 6 weeks:
February 25th, March 4th, March 11th, March 18th, March 25th, and April 1st, 2025.
Price: $495 

This thing called life isn't always easy. But it's often much harder than it has to be because we haven't been taught how to use our brains and regulate our nervous systems. In this mini-course, we'll show you how to martial a host of super-accessible strategies to detect your hidden S.O.S. (Signals of Stress), maintain equilibrium so that you don't feel on edge, cease reacting in ways you don't want or can't understand, gain a life-changing new understanding of boundaries (and how to set them), get off the constant "have-to" treadmill, make peace with (rather than suppressing or ignoring) unpleasant emotions, free yourself from the four types of repetitive thinking that cause mental, emotional, and physiological dysregulation, and make friends with your nervous system...instead of feeling that it's working against you.

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Rise Above:

An Advanced Course for Maximum Resilience

Starts on Saturday, March 29th, 2025

This exclusive, small-class-size course will take you on a deep dive into your own mind, your own inner wisdom, and how to build true resilience within yourself.

Want real help not just facing difficult bumps in the road... but also facing difficult emotions inside?

You will embark on a journey with a small, intimate group that you can trust to lean on, confide in, and work with, as you break new ground and learn how to: direct what you repeatedly focus your attention on, choose your narrative (instead of defaulting to a demoralizing one), embrace (rather than reject) your emotions, overcome boundary-setting challenges and take control, escape binary thinking so you can really view all the choices you have in a situation, see the big picture, know that you are bigger than your problems, learn from things you previously found frustrating, enjoy what is, and tap into your caring and compassion toward others.

And, guess what? You don't have to change who you are to master any of these skills.

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Over the course of six consultations (50 minutes each) with either Kate or Raun, you will have the chance to get deep, personalized help with the issues most affecting your life and your mental and emotional well-being (stress, Neuro-Crashes, relationship difficulties, chronic tightness, work conflicts, reacting in ways you don't like and can't understand, feeling disconnected, low self-esteem, purposelessness, anxiety about the state of your life or the world, etc.) together with tools and strategies to take you in a new direction.

You will be asked insightful and thought-provoking questions and given suggested actions to take and perspective shifts to digest and try out - all in a very supportive and open-hearted way.

If you want individual attention, a 100% customized approach, and a powerful focus on putting the Rise Above concepts into action in your life and your brain (so you can rise above), this is the package for you.


Every couple – every single one – goes through a crisis at one time or another. But not every couple gets help when they need it most. If you and your loved one are going through a difficult time, this is the package for you.

Raun has been working with couples in crisis for decades. He knows what he’s doing. Use his experience and insight for your own benefit.

Raun will spend 4 weekly sessions (90 minutes each) with you and your partner, working to help you overcome whatever challenge you’re facing right now.


If you are in a couple, you know that relationships are complicated affairs that involve our deepest emotions and touch upon the most core aspects of our self-image. This kind of intimate connection does not sustain itself by magic. Nor by sincerely wishing for it.

It takes a combination of actual attention and focused help. If you provide the attention, Raun will provide the help – in a way that is non-judgmental, fun, practical, and uniquely insightful.

This is a great package for those couples who are not in any kind of severe crisis but feel that it’s important and useful to periodically attend to the relationship by talking things through, dealing with issues that come up, and enhancing the love, caring, and communication that already exists.

This package consists of a 30-minute pre-session debrief the week before the main session (where Raun asks you both a series of questions to get a clear breakdown of where you two are as a couple and then collaborate with you to discern what would make the most sense to focus on) and a 90-minute in-depth couples session. More sessions (for instance, one per month) can be added onto this package.

book a free package discussion session with Raun âž›
book a free package discussion session with Kate âž›


OTs  ✦  SLPs  ✦  Teachers  ✦  Special Ed. Teachers  ✦  Therapists  ✦  Play Therapists
Child Psychologists  ✦  Autism Consultants/Coaches
Therapy Centers  ✦  Group Homes  ✦  Early Childhood Education Centers

Professional Cetification

Get certified in the Safe To Connect Autism Approach including the ACT protocol

Live Interactive Program

Get real input, strategies, compassion, ideas, tips, techniques, and feedback. Raun and Kate are going to hold your hand and take you through every aspect of the training.

You will be able to take what you’ve learned back to your practice, and then you can take what you’ve experienced in your practice back to Raun and Kate and a supportive group of professionals who will help you, support you, and guide you. It will be an experience that substantially affects your work both during and after the training.

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